Ni Hao (knee how)
Hello in Chinese!
Hahaha so I had a very strange thing happen to me today. Well I was down at the town plaza this evening. Lee was looking for an electronics store to get a wireless router (this might help skype I hope) no luck finding the store the journeys end was at the plaza. Now since it has been very cold we have not been down town at night. Well its starting to warm up (FINALLY!!!) and the place is completely different! There are a TON of people! People line dancing, vendors like you wouldn’t believe, beggars, and entertainers. There are lights all over the place. On buildings, bridges, in the ground, on arches. Just everywhere disco lights! I love it down there. Well I was walking and there was this old man with a microphone and he had about 5 people around. Me being very curious started to look into the middle of the circle. The old man saw me and started to get very excited!
He gave me the microphone and was saying something in chinese super fast. Well I talked in the microphone which connected to an amp which echoed my voice across the whole plaza. So im just talking jibberish into this microphone and before I know it there are 30 people around. Just listening to me speak English. I said hello to everyone and then I remembered that I had some postcards of Idaho in my back pack, the ones I show my students. Got those out and everyone started crowding around closer trying to look at these pics. People were saying beautiful, very beautiful, or America. After that I starting singing "row row your boat". Which they loved! Hahaha I was a nerd. But I really enjoyed myself. Then I start running out of things to do so I would just walk around this circle asking random people random questions. Of course the question would be in English but the answer would always be in chinese. Was a lot of fun and I loved it. SO here are some pic of me in the crowded circle acting like a freaking loser. Hahahah.
Also earlier i mentioned something about finding popcorn on the street that was so good! Well i added a pic of her and the girls that work for her. They work in this coffee shop. Havent tried any of their drinks but i do plan on it in the summer because the drink look more like a fruit mix. Bet the girls all start to giggle and blush each time i buy popcorn or even walk past their store! It's so funny.
But i added a pic so you had an idea of what it sort of looks like. Not sure if you can tell but if you look closely at the wall on the right in the shop. Well its covered in sticky notes! the coolest thing ever!
Cant wait till it warms up just a little bit more because if a little heat brought out this much fun just wait and see what a lot of heat will bring.
This is Jordan from Hua Yuan China signing off.
Miss and love you tons
How fun! You are so good to get involved with things . . . even if you feel like a goof! I wish I could be more like that!