Hello Again Everybody,
the next few blogs are about a park that i traveled to and since i
have so many pics im going to spilt it up into a few blogs so i can
tell the story and have more pics to help tell the story.
I know its been awhile since my last blog i have been very busy.
China is huge by the way! I've been in my little, yes "little" now,
for about 4 months and i have been to the neighboring cities. so i
had a long vacation and decided to do a huge travel trip to a city
called Zhangjajie.. Now on the maps this tiny town is only 73 miles
for my city. Now china doesn't have a nice straight freeway, well nto
yet, currently they are in the process of building it, they have to
take the scenic route route where ever people travel. With
Zhangjiajie only 73 miles you think it would be a short hour and 30
minute trip. Not even close. It took 4 hours and 45 mins on, small,
cramped and stinky bus. With no windows to open it got very hot, the
only air flow i had was a little vent in the ceiling on the lowest
setting it felt like. Across the isle from me was this poor mother
with a baby. The baby didnt cry the whole trip i was amazed! But
this poor mother was trying to pour some milk in a bottle for the
baby, and the roads that bus was riding on are like the roads up to
silver creek with big pot holes and the bus drives is flying down this
road! Well as the mother was pour the milk, the bus hit a pot hole
and she dropped the bottle and milk went every where. On the ceiling,
on the floor, and all over the people including me in the back of the
bus. I was laughing so hard! she was able to get the baby to sleep
but i could see in her face she wasnt doing alright. With all the
curvy roads and all the bouncing i felt sorry for anyone who gets
carsick. Well i guess she gets cars sick and she was turning pale and
than she grabs this black bag that the hand out when you board the
bus. She throw up in the bag without waking up the baby i was
impressed. She did it 3 times!
After a unforgettable bus, and 4 hrs and 45 mins later to travel 73
miles i was finally at my destination. ZHANGJIAJIE!!!
This city has to be the most clean city i have been in since Hong
Kong. An easy way to describe it is ummm....... It's like the McCall
of China. Has a good reputation and is very well known. Zhangjiajie
is know for its famous mountains. In fact almost everyone has seen
these mountains. Not in person but if you have seen the movie
"Avatar" you have seen these "famous mountains"!!!
are based off of these mountains. So all over the park and city there
is Avatar souvenirs! Now there is a park which is located at the edge
of town and this park is massive. Like it takes 2 quick wholes days
to see almost everything in the park. it's sort of like Yellow Stone.
The next we were at the gate at 7 in the morning! To embark on this
amazing journey and seeing some the most unique mountains in the
world. Now you can take a cable car up to the upper part of the
mountain or this huge elevator. I didt do either. I hiked the whole
thing! I climbed about 3 miles of stairs in the first 3 hours in the
part. These stair were so steep and is was cut back after cut back.
Along the way there were guys that you could pay for them to carry you
to the top. At first i thought it was lame by the end of my trip i
was SO tempted to have them carry me up the mountain.
amazing and so beautiful!!!! While walking on the trail, the
mountains and the scenery changes every 10 steps and every 1 hour its
like you are in a different world! So i took SO many pics because i
have never seen something so beautiful!
I sure hope you have enjoy the first part of my adventure but there is
much much more to come!!! So be ready! i love and miss you all!
Talk to you soon!
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